


 本文利用ARIZ(Algorithm for Inventive-Problem Solving)——发明问题解决算法,分析抽油机在油田生产中的各种问题情境、矛盾,得出解决现有问题的解决方法,确定新型抽油机为超大载荷、长冲程、低冲次、智能调节、高效节能的无游梁式抽油机方案。

 新型抽油机采用智能数字变频控制技术和调速换向外转子式力矩永磁电机,采用由多根钢丝绳及摩擦轮组成的曳引摩擦传动方式。采用低速大转矩稀土永磁同步电动机,将抽油杆与平衡系统通过柔性连接件直接连接的方式,通过柔体Neodymium Magnets与刚体之间的摩擦来提供曳引力,实现抽油系统的无齿轮传动,减少了能量在传动中的损失。








 钼合金在高温抗磨领域有广泛的应用,如穿孔不锈钢管的顶头、火箭发射器的喷嘴及喷管、有色金属挤压模具及钢铁压铸模具、稀土类磁体的烧结舟皿和垫板等。目前使用的钼合金中硬质抗磨相很少,其高温抗磨能力有限,越来越难Neodymium Magnets以满足要求。寻求具有高温抗磨性能的钼合金或复合材料,对开发钼在高温抗磨领域的应用具有非常重要的意义。








 碳纳米管(CNTs)自1991年被发现以来,这种新型一维纳米材料由于具有许多优异的性质和潜在的广阔的应用前景,己成为物理、化学和材Magnetic lifter料领域的研究前沿。目前化学气相沉积法(CVD)以其设备简单、成本低、反应过程易控制等优点成为目前制备碳纳米管的主要方法,但同时也存在一些缺点,如产物的纯度不高,产量较低等。因而制备高活性催化剂成为CVD法制备碳纳米管研究的热点。本文利用双金属氢氧化物(LDHs)作为催化剂前驱体用CVD法制备碳纳米管,具体内容如下:

 1、Co/Al LDHs作催化剂前驱体来制备含氮的碳纳米管

 采用均匀沉淀法制备片层结构的Co/Al LDHs,以500 oC煅烧后产物作为催化剂,以甲烷为碳源,乙腈为氮源,在不同气流量下用CVD法大量制备了含氮碳纳米管,通过对其形貌和结构的表征发现,当甲烷和乙腈的流量(mL min-1)为30:30时,制备的含氮碳纳米管的形貌和纯度都较好,而且产量最大。

 2、Co/Al/La LDHs作催化剂前驱体来制备碳纳米管

 采用共沉淀法制备掺杂稀土元素La的Co/Al LDHs,600 oC煅烧处理后作为催化剂,以乙炔为碳源,利用CVD法制备碳纳米管。通过改变LDHs中La的掺入量,研究其含量对碳纳米管制备的影响。结果发现当La的掺杂量为5%时,制http://www.999magnet.com/products/131-magnetic-lifter备的碳纳米管形貌好,且产量也最大。






 稀土离子激活的碱土铝酸盐长余辉发光材料以其发光效率高,余辉时间长,化学性质稳定和无辐射无污染等特点,被广泛应用于各种领域,其中黄绿色发光材料SrAl2O4 : Eu~(2+),Dy~(3+)和蓝绿色发光材料Sr_4Al_(14)O_(25) :Eu~(2+),Dy~(3+)已经达到了工业化生产的标准,而与之相匹配的红色铝酸盐发光材料相对欠缺,尚存在发光亮Magnet lifter度不高,余辉时间较短的问题,且对铝酸盐体系红色发光材料发光机理的研究还不成熟。






 由于稀土元素Y的加入,在Mg-Zn-Cu-Zr镁合金中生成I相(Mg3Zn6Y)和W相(Mg3Zn3Y2);而且Y含量的增加有助于Mg-Zn-Cu-Zr镁合金的Magnet lifter细化。采用半固态搅拌原位合成法制备的TiB2/Mg-Zn-Cu-Y-Zr复合材料的抗拉强度与Mg-Zn-Cu-Y-Zr镁合金相当,延伸率有所下降。这是因为Al3Zr随着预制块的加入而生成,合金组织开始变大,导致合金“中毒”现象严重,大大抵消了颗粒对基体的强化作用,影响了铸态复合材料的力学性能。热挤压变形后的TiB2/Mg-Zn-Cu-Y-Zr复合材料发生动态再结晶,晶粒显著细化。挤压变形有助于改善TiB2颗粒团聚,力学性能有所增强。随着Al-Ti-B预制块添加量的增加,复合材料的抗拉强度先降低后升高,延伸率下降。







 稀土纳米荧光粉因有望应用于生物荧光标记、高分辨显示和照明领域而倍受关注。YVO_4:Eu~(3+)作为一种重要的红色荧光粉,具有良好的发光效率和稳定性,被认为是一种有应用潜力的纳米荧光粉。由于YVO_4:Eu~(3+)纳米荧光粉存在较多的表面缺陷和表面重构,导致其发光效率比微米荧光粉低。因此,发光效率的提高Magnet lifter对于纳米荧光粉走向产业化和商业化具有重要意义。









 鉴于铅的毒性和相关禁铅的法令,关于无铅钎料的研究已在世界范围内得到了广泛的关注。其中,Sn-Zn系钎料由于熔点最为接近传统的Sn-Pb钎料,而备受关注。但由于其抗氧化性能差、润湿性能不佳,很难直接应用于电子产品Magnetic lifter中。本文根据电子工业无铅钎料的发展需要和生产工艺的特点,分别研究了Ag、Ga、Al及Ce的添加量对Sn-9Zn无铅钎料性能的影响规律。

 试验结果表明:Sn-9Zn钎料中Ag元素的最佳添加量在0.3wt.%左右。添加0.3wt.%Ag后,钎料的抗氧化性能明显增强,润湿性能达到最佳;当Ag的添加量为0.3wt.%时,焊点拉伸力提高了27.2%,断口组织最为细小均匀,添加1.0wt.% Ag后,焊点拉伸力有所下降,在断口韧窝底部有硬而脆的Cu-Zn、Ag-Zn化合物相;Sn-9Zn钎料由灰色基体组织(富Sn相)和黑色针状组织(富Zn相)两相组成,添加Ag后,黑色针状富Zn相逐渐减少,添加0.5wt.%Ag后,钎料中会形成Ag-Zn金属间化合物相;Sn-9Zn/Cu界面处形成比较平坦的Cu5Zn8化合物层,添加0.3wt.%Ag后,在平坦的Cu5Zn8化合物层上出现颗粒状的AgZn3化合物相,随着Ag含量的增加,AgZn3化合物相逐渐聚集长大成扇贝状的化合物层。









 本论文分别探索了固体粉末包埋渗法和热浸镀法制备铝化物涂层的理想工艺,通过扫描电镜(SEM)、能谱仪(EDS)、X射线衍射仪(XRD)等现代测试分析手段表征了涂层的组织形貌、化学成分和相组成,并对涂层的力学性能和高温氧化行为进行了分析。结果表明:TZM合金在1050℃下固体粉末包埋渗铝12h,在其表Magnetic lifter面会形成一层均匀致密的铝化物扩散涂层,该扩散层的厚度达到130μm,具有双层结构,与基体之间形成了冶金结合;包埋渗铝层的相组成为Al5Mo、Al3Mo和Al4Mo等金属间化合物;铝化物涂层表面呈颗粒状,其显微硬度达到8000MPa; 800℃、80h的高温循环氧化试验证实固体粉末包埋渗铝层大大提高了TZM合金基体的高温抗氧化性能。TZM合金热浸镀铝后,涂层组织由表层的纯铝层和内层的合金层组成,其中合金层主要是Al4Mo和Al5Mo等钼铝金属间化合物组成;添加0.3wt%的稀土元素Ce有助于改善热浸镀铝层的组织;合金层的厚度随热浸镀铝温度的升高而增加,随热浸镀铝时间的延长而增加;800℃、100h的循环氧化试验证明TZM合金经http://www.999magnet.com/products/131-magnetic-lifter热浸镀铝后能有效的提高其高温抗氧化能力。





 包晶合金的凝固是目前凝固领域研究的热点之一,随着新材料的不断开发和应用,很多具有重要应用前景的材料制备过程都涉及到包晶反应,例如,高温金属间化合物结构材料Ti-Al、Ni-Al、Fe-Al合金,稀土永磁材料Nd-Fe-B和Co-Sm-Al合金,高温超导材料Y/Nb-Ba-Cu-O等。在过去的几十年里,人们对包晶合金的凝固行为进行了大量rare earth magnets的研究,发现了许多新型的组织,也取得了许多重要的成果,但要尽快推进包晶合金在工程上的应用,还需要对包晶合金的凝固过程进行更深入的研究。





 微弧氧化是在Al、Mg、Ti等金属或其合金表面原位生长一层陶瓷膜的技术,该膜与基体结合力强,耐磨损和耐腐蚀性能高,是一种极有发展前景的镁合金表面处理技术。本文采用微弧氧化法在Mg-4Gd-3Ymm-0.5Zr镁合金上制得一层均匀的浅灰色微弧氧化陶瓷层。膜层表面有类似“火山堆”的形貌放电微孔,且经微弧氧rare earth magnets china化处理过的镁合金耐蚀性能均显著提高。借助SEM观察了膜层表面和截面的形貌,采用能谱仪和XRD分析了膜层的成分和结构。结果表明:镁合金表面形成的较致密氧化膜层可分为三层,靠近基体致密层、多孔的疏松层和中间的过渡层,致密层与基体结合紧密。膜层主要由MgO组成。






 综合以上各因素,最终确定了一套有关Mg-4Gd-3Ymm-0.5Zr镁合金微弧氧化最佳工艺参数,Na_2SiO_3 6g/L,KOH 2g/L,NaF 2g/L,甘油10ml/L,正脉冲电压450V,负脉冲电压40V,频率和占空比分别为600Hz,10%,氧化时间30min。





 本文以紫背浮萍(Spirodela polyphiza)为试材,分别采用N、P、La3+单因素培养,复合培养及四因素、三水平正交设计[L27(34)]水培体系,研究浮萍生长和繁殖过程中通过其吸收N、P而达到净化富营养化水体的若干未知机制以及La3+在其中的作用,为发展新型的水体富营养化治理技术提供理论和实践依据。主要研究结rare earth magnets果如下:



 3.浮萍叶绿素b含量对体内La3+含量变化敏感,培养液中La3+浓度为1.0mg/L时,浮萍体内La3+含量达到181μg/g FW,此时叶绿素b含量显著增加,达0.2mg/g FW,比对照组(CK,0.14mg/g FW)提高42.9%,暗示La3+可能通过促进合成天线色素而上调植物光合功能;但浮萍体内La3+含量对叶绿素a及类胡萝卜素含量的影响不显著。

 当浮萍体内La3+含量达到181μg/g FW时,浮萍SOD比活性[18.16U/(min·mgPr.)]则显著下降,比CK组[26.29U/(min·mg Pr.)]降低30.9%,O2-产生速率显著上升,达16.03μg/(min·g FW),比CK组[12.68μg/(min·g FW)]增加26.4%;同时,浮萍NR活性[39.23μg/(h·g FW)]显著下降,比CK组[42.1μg/(h·g FW)]下降6.8%。表明http://www.chinamagnets.biz/随着水体中La3+浓度的提高,浮萍体内的La3+逐渐积累,浮萍体内活性氧代谢和氮代谢出现紊乱,导致其可能受到潜在的过氧化伤害。






 TiO2多相光催化技术因为安全、反应速率快、氧化彻底、能耗低、无二次污染等特点,而被应用于内分泌干扰物的处理。本研究着重从光催化反应器的角度,来建立一种高效处理双酚A的体系,设计出了一种新型的光源内置Neodymium magnets气-液-固循环流动的浆态光催化反应器。并通过光量子效率、能耗、反应速率等指标,对比研究了所设计的新型反应器与传统的气体提升式和环隙式浆态光催化反应器对偶氮染料降解脱氮的性能,研究发现新型反应器具有较优的综合性能。

 采用自行制备的稀土钆掺杂的Gd-TiO2为光催化剂,在新设计的气-液-固浆态光催化反应器中对模拟内分泌干扰物废水——双酚A水溶液进行光催化降解研究。实验考查了催化剂浓度、表观气速、表观液速对降解速率的影响,处理体积为1800 ml,初始浓度为10 mg/L的内分泌干扰物废水最优处理条件为:催化剂浓度为6 g/L,表观气速为8.34×10-3 m/s,表观液速为1.11×10-2 m/s。在最优条件下处理120 min,双酚A降解率高达90%以上,符合处理要求。






 自二十世纪九十年代发现钙钛矿结构氧化物的巨磁电阻效应以来,其丰富的物理性质和潜在的应用前景引起了人们极大的兴趣。巨磁电阻效应在工业上具有广泛的应用如信息存储领域中的磁记录,磁头和传感器等方面。从基础研究上来讲,这些钙钛矿氧化物表现出丰富的物理内容,如顺磁—铁磁相变伴随绝缘—金属相变Strong magnets、电荷轨道有序、相分离、Jahn-Teller畸变、双交换模型、超交换模型以及各种相互作用之间的藕合,这些复杂的现象极大的激发了物理学研究人员的研究兴趣。大量的研究主要集中在各种有序的构型以及对电磁特性的影响,相分离以及巨磁电阻效应的联系上,本论文主要研究在钙钛矿结构化合物中的p-d杂化效应以及它对体系磁状态的影响。本论文的主要内容安排如下:



 第三章在实空间recursion电子结构的计算中,我们研究了在Co钙钛矿化合物结构中的各种磁有序态,其源于电子在3d壳层的不同排列及http://www.chinamagnets.biz/其相邻Co原子之间的相互作用。在本文中,我们研究了CeCoO_3, SrCoO_3和Sr_(1-x)Ce_xCoO_3等Co钙钛矿化合物中的p-d杂化效应,发现t_(2g)电子是局域的,而e_g电子则主要表现出巡游性,尽管稀土族元素对于费米面附近的能态密度贡献很小,但是由于Co在三种化合物中不同的化合价,这三种化合物费米面附近的能态密度以及磁矩有很大不同,因而p-d杂化效应表现得非常的重要。




 扬子板块是我国最大的前寒武纪板块之一,了解其早期的演化历史对于认识中国大陆构造格局的演变乃至全球构造事件均具有重要的意义。最新研究显示扬子板块广泛存在与哥伦比亚超大陆有关的古元古代构造热事件,然而已有研究主要针对该时期碰撞造山事件中高级变质作用的时代及性质,关于随后的岩浆作用的研究则较为薄弱,从而限制了对扬子板块古元古代构造演化历史的认识。本文对出露于扬子板块崆岭高级变质体的基性岩脉和圈崎淌A型花岗岩进行了岩相学、地球化学、锆石U-Pb年龄及Hf同位素的研究,获得了基性岩脉及圈崎淌A型花岗岩的侵入年龄,探讨了圈崎淌A型花岗岩Neodymium Magnets的岩石成因及其地质意义,这些结果为扬子板块古元古代构造演化和其克拉通化完成的时代提供了重要的制约。

 基性岩脉是区域伸展作用的标志,具有明确的构造指示意义。扬子板块崆岭高级变质体内部发育有大量的基性岩脉,这些基性岩脉对于认识扬子板块早期的构造演化具有重要意义,但是,目前还没有关于其形成年龄的报道。本文对侵入崆岭高级变质体内部的一个辉绿岩脉样品进行了LA-(MC)ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年和Hf同位素分析,得到近似谐和或谐和年龄,它们的207Pb/206Pb年龄加权平均结果为1852±11Ma(MSWD=0.37),代表了该基性岩脉的形成年龄;该基性岩脉中锆石的εHf(t)为-6.3~0.5,加权平均值为-3.06±0.88 (MSWD=1.01),显示其岩浆源区可能为受到交代作用影响的岩石圈地幔。这一发现表明,在约1850 Ma扬子板块处于碰撞后板内伸展构造环境中,同时该时期扬子板块已经具各足够的刚性,以致能产生大规模的脆性破裂以及可能引发地幔对流作用,因此我们推测在约1.85 Ga扬子板块已经具有克拉通的性质。

 侵入于扬子北缘崆岭高级变质体的圈崎淌岩体为中-粗粒斑状结构的钾长花岗岩,其主要组成矿物为碱性长石、石英、黑云母和斜长石,不含碱性暗色矿物。对该岩体两个样品进行锆石U-Pb定年,得到了谐和或近似谐和的年龄,它们的207Pb/206Pb年龄加权平均结果结果分别为1846±13 Ma和1851±14 Ma,表明该岩体的侵入年龄约为1.85 Ga。圈崎淌钾长花岗岩体具有较高的SiO2(72.6-74.4 wt%)、K2O(5.09-5.56 wt%)、Na2O(3.02-3.36 wt%)和较低的Fe2O3(2.56-3.19 wt%)、MgO(0.25-0.37 wt%)含量。在K2O vs. SiO2和TAS图解中,圈崎淌钾长花岗岩分别落入高钾钙碱性和亚碱性花岗岩区域。它们A1203含量为12.48%~13.01%,显示出准铝质的特征(A/CNK=0.93~0.98).微量元素分析结果表明,圈崎淌钾长花岗相对富集轻稀土,其(La/Yb)N比值为10.6~21.7,在原始地幔标准化的微量元素蛛网图上,显示出明显的Ba、Nb、Ta、Sr、P、Eu和Ti的亏损。通过锆石饱和温度计估算,圈崎淌http://www.everbeenmagnet.com/钾长花岗的岩浆形成温度大于845℃。这些地球化学特征表明圈崎淌钾长花岗为典型铝质A型花岗岩。锆石Hf同位素结果显示圈崎淌A型花岗岩具有较负的εHf(t)值(-17.6~-20.9)和较老的Hf两阶段模式年龄(3.6~3.8 Ga),指示其物源为古老的太古宙地壳物质。综合地球化学和锆石Hf同位素证据,我们推断圈崎淌A型花岗岩由2.9 Ga的英云闪长质岩石以斜长石为主要残留相的脱水部分熔融形成。根据Eby提出的分类原则,圈崎淌A型花岗岩为产出于造山后伸展环境的A2型花岗岩,其侵入年龄约为1.85 Ga明显晚于扬子板块2.0 Ga的碰撞造山事件,表明1.85 Ga扬子板块已经发生了由碰撞挤压向伸展垮塌的构造转换。圈崎淌A型花岗岩是扬子板块首次出现的高钾花岗岩,指示扬子板块的克拉通化作用在1.85 Ga已经完成,其克拉通化过程可能由与哥伦比亚超大陆聚合有关的古元古代碰撞造山事件导致。




 稀土元素铒离子在能级跃迁时发出波长为1.55μm左右的光,此波段对应通讯C波段为光纤的最小吸收窗口,铒离子4I(13/2)-4I(15/2)能级跃迁时发出的光正好对应此波段。在尺寸为5~500μm的光学微腔中掺杂铒离子结合光学微腔极低的非线性阈值、超高Q值、较小的模式体积等光学特性,成为低阈值激光器、高灵敏度传感Neodymium Magnets器、芯片级光源等领域研究的热点。







 食用菌味道鲜美,含有丰富的蛋白质、多种氨基酸和维生素等营养成分,是一种健康长寿的绿色保健食品。然而,随着工业三废的大量排放,含重金属离子的化肥、农药、除草剂等的使用,以及食用菌栽培原料来源的多样化,食用菌中重金属含量超标的问题日益凸现出来。因此,严格控制好食用菌中重金属的含量以提高食用菌的食Neodymium Magnets用安全性,对我国食用菌产业的发展具有深远的意义。











 采用Sol-gel法,单因素实验考察了影响产Neodymium Magnets物组成及电化学性能的因素。结果表明:n(Li):n(Co)=1.5:1.摩尔比,650℃下煅烧8h所得样品性能最佳。电流密度O.1C时,样品首次放电比容量是113.9mAh/g,经20次循环后放电比容量为70.4mAh/g。X射线衍射以及SEM分析表明合成样品的粒径较小,分散均匀性好。










 在总结和分析合金元素对(Nd,Pr)FeB系永磁体性能影响的机理基础上,引入Bayesian正则化法BP神经网络和支持向量回归机,建立了合金成分与磁体性能之间的预测模型,预测和研究了Pr、Co和Zr等添加元素对磁体性能的影响Neodymium Magnets规律。







 多层陶瓷电容器(MLCC)由于具有结构紧凑、体积小、比容高、介电损耗低、价格低廉等诸多优点,被广泛应用于各类电子设备。随着地下勘探、航空航天和军用移动通讯等设备的使用环境越来越恶劣,例如,用来探寻油气储量的电子设备,可能需要承受超过200℃的温度,这就要求再次扩大多层陶瓷电容器能正常工作的温Magnetic lifter度范围,因此,研究高温MLCC材料是目前多层陶瓷电容器发展的一个重要方向。



 1.对BNBCT体系进行了三种助烧剂(硼硅酸盐、CuV2O6、CuBi2O4)掺杂,将陶瓷烧结温度降低到了1120℃,将并对降烧后的基料进行稀土掺杂研究,最终在烧结温度1120℃下获得了-55℃~ 250℃的宽温范围内,满足X9R标http://www.999magnet.com/products/131-magnetic-lifter准的高温可靠型MLCC;






 近年来,由于有机电致发光器件具有低功耗及优异的发光性能等的特点,在平板显示领域得到了广泛的应用。有机电致发光材料也成了研究的热点之一,其中,双Schiff碱金属配合物同时满足了电荷平衡和配位数饱合两个条件,可以得到性能Magnetic lifter较好的荧光。因此,双Schiff碱类金属配合物有望成为良好的有机电致发光材料。







 目前脂肪酸甲酯和辛烯醛加氢反应一般使用铜、铬、锌、铁和稀土等金属氧化物催化剂,其缺点是反应为多相催化,存在传质和扩散阻力较大,反应温度和压力高,催化剂寿命短,回收和重复使用困难等问题,尤其是铬等重金属的流失会造成环境污染问题。为了解决以上问题,本文尝试将温控相转移催化剂用于催化脂肪酸甲酯Magnetic lifter和辛烯醛加氢反应。


 将OPGPP、MGPPE、TAPEP与氯化钯原位合成的温控相转移催化剂(PdCl2/OPGPP、PdCl2/MGPPE和PdCl2/TAPEP)分别用于油酸甲酯加氢反应,结果表明:PdCl2/OPGPP的催化剂效果最好。反应温度200℃,氢气压力7 MPa,PdCl2用量为油酸甲酯质量的0.12%,n(PdCl2):n(OPGPP)=1:10,反应时间4 h,在上述条件下,产物的羟值为114,碘值为25。催化剂与产物易分离且能循环使用,在不经过处理直接重复使用4次后,所得产物的羟值、碘值分别为102和27,具有良好的重复使用性。


 将温控相转移催化剂PdCl2/TMPGP用于催化辛烯醛加氢反应制备异辛醇。在反应温度200℃,氢气压力7MPa,PdCl2用量占辛烯醛质量0.18%,反应时间8 h,n(PdCl2):n(TMPGP)=1:10的较佳反应条件下,辛烯醛的转化率和异辛醇的产率分别为86%和84%。对催化剂的重复使用性能进行了考察,催化剂相不经过处理直接重复使用5次后,辛烯醛的转化率和异辛醇的产率分别为76%和75%。





 介孔材料具有结构规整、孔径分布单一而在一定范围内可调、很高的比表面积和孔容,通过改变合成参数又能调整宏观形貌(如膜、纤维、球等)等特点,在大分子分离、生物传感器、催化、吸附、微电子、燃料电池、电池、电化学电容器、光学、磁学以及新型材料的制备等领域展示了诱人的前景。介孔材料的制备、结Magnetic lifter构和特性的研究已成为当今国际上的一个研究热点。本文选取极具应用前景的金属氧化物为研究对象,探讨了金属氧化物介孔材料的合成及作为催化剂载体和吸附剂的应用。主要研究内容如下:


 (2)采用减压浸渍法将钒氧化物分散于有序介孔孔道结构中,获得了两种高度有序的钒基催化剂V2O5/OMA和NH4VO3/OMA,当钒负载量为2.39wt%时,其在丙烷催化氧化脱氢制丙烯反应中丙烷的转化率高达37.74%,丙烯选择性高达75.20%;采用原位合成法制备了高度有序介孔结构镍基催化剂Ni-OMA,比表面积高达173.7 m2.g-1,镍负载量为3.84wt%时,在催化反应中丙烷转化率达27.95%,丙烯选择性高达86.49%。与文献报道的介孔氧化硅、介孔TiO2及介孔ZrO2等作催化剂载体相比,有序介孔氧化铝作为催化剂载体具有更高的丙烷转化率和丙烯产率。

 (3)将有序介孔材料OMA用于有机偶氮染料(铬黑T)的去除实验中,室温下吸附量高达313.62 mg/g,当铬黑T浓度低于34.62 mg/L时,OMA用量为10 mg时,对铬黑T的去除率可以达到100%。球形介孔材料Al(NO3)3-MA作为吸附剂时,吸附量高达307.75mg/g,当铬黑T浓度低于28.01 mg/L时,Al(NO3)3-MA用量为10 mg时,对http://www.999magnet.com/products/131-magnetic-lifter铬黑T的去除率可以达到100%。实验结果表明,介孔氧化铝对有机偶氮染料的吸附效果十分明显,其吸附行为符合二级吸附动力学,吸附等温线符合Langmuir等温式,且球形介孔材料Al(NO3)3-MA具有优良的再生吸附性能。

 (4)采用介孔氧化硅KIT-6为硬模板,经高温晶化制备了锰酸锂与氧化硅的复合结构,然后去除氧化硅模板,成功实现了高度晶化有序介孔尖晶石型锰酸锂的制备,突破了高温晶化导致介孔结构坍塌的关键难题,发展了一种普适性制备高度晶化有序介孔材料的新方法。该方法合成的介孔锰酸锂完全复型了KIT-6模板的典型六方排列的有序介孔孔道结构,其比表面积达68.02m2·g-1,平均孔径为8.35 nm,是一种极富应用前景的锂离子电池正极材料。在介孔锰镍氧化物和介孔锰钻氧化物中分别引入锂,制备了具有规则介孔孔道结构的介孔锂锰镍氧化物和锂锰钴氧化物,比表面积分别高达142.59 m2·g-1和105.0 m2·g-1,这两种锂锰系介孔材料目前尚未见文献报道,基于其规则有序的孔道结构和高度晶化的孔壁,使其在锂离子电池正极材料方面的应用具有非常广阔的前景。




 随着全球经济发展,环境污染日益严重,由此引发的一系列问题已引起人们广泛关注。多孔炭吸附和TiO2光催化氧化是目前有机污染物深度净化所采用的两种主要手段。将TiO2与活性炭纤维(ACF)复合,ACF作为吸附中心可为TiO2光催化剂提供高浓度反应环境,加快催化剂传质速率,提高催化剂矿化效率,抑制催化剂失活,解决催化剂Magnetic lifter分离难题;TiO2作为降解中心可实现ACF的原位再生,增加其平衡吸附量。此外,将贵金属或稀土元素组装到TiO2表面,可消除中间产物污染,减缓催化剂失活。


 Gd掺杂多孔TiO2光催化剂研究表明,Gd掺杂能显著提高TiO2的紫外光催化活性,其中Gd(NO3)3·6H2O加入量为0.10 g催化剂活性最高,100 min内对苯酚的去除率达79.8%。多孔TiO2的吸附性能和催化性能受煅烧温度影响,其中煅烧程序为350℃(2h)-500℃(2h)制得催化剂性能最好。Gd掺杂能显著改善催化剂的分散性能,抑制晶粒生长和团聚;多孔结构能显著提高催化剂的比表面积。Gd掺杂还能有效提高催化剂在可见光区的吸收。

 Gd掺杂TiO2/ACF复合材料研究表明,Gd掺杂能显著提高TiO2/ACF的紫外光催化活性,其中Gd(NO3)3·6H2O加入量为0.20 g复合材料活性最高,100 min内对苯的去除率达71.2%。同时,Gd掺杂TiO2/ACF复合材料的光催化活性还受浸涂次数的影响,其中浸涂2次的活性最高,且光催化反应100 min后仍能表现出较高http://www.999magnet.com/products/131-magnetic-lifter活性。Gd掺杂能有效抑制催化剂的晶粒生长,使催化剂的平均晶粒尺寸减小。Gd掺杂TiO2/ACF红外吸收峰由500 cm-1移至540 cm-1,形成了Ti-O-Gd键;并在1060 cm-1附近出现Ti-O-C的吸收峰。随浸涂次数的增加,TiO2/ACF的比表面积下降。Gd的掺入能减缓催化剂失活,在Gd掺杂TiO2/ACF表面未发现醌类中间产物的存在。

 Pt掺杂TiO2薄膜研究表明,Pt掺杂能显著提高TiO2薄膜的紫外光催化活性,其中H2PtCl6溶液加入体积为0.78 mL催化剂活性最高,100 min内对苯的去除率达54.6%,且光催化反应100 min后仍能表现出较高活性。高温下Pt/TiO2薄膜催化活性的提高与Pt的热催化性质有关,催化剂对苯的去除性能是由光催化与热催化的协同作用完成的。




 我国的锑资源非常丰富,锑化合物在石油化工、高分子材料以及生物医药等领域已有广泛的应用。在主族金属元素中,锑的电子数目多、结构复杂,锑离子的配位能力强,其空间结构的多样性也一直吸引着人们去探索并合成结构新颖的锑配合物。但与过渡金属和稀土金属相比,人们对它们的研究也还不够多。近年来,有机锑化合物的研究受到了广泛关注,但主要集中在合成及结构表征方面,其应用研究相对较少。Magnet lifter这主要是因为:(1)许多有机锑化合物的Sb-C键不够稳定,对水和氧气敏感;(2)有机锑配合物的酸强度较弱,限制了其作为Lewis酸在有机合成中的催化研究;(3)大多数有机锑化合物的构效关系还没有阐明清楚。因此,开发功能型有机锑化合物并丰富有机锑化学的应用研究将具有重要的科学意义和潜在的应用前景。


 (1)利用NBS作为溴化试剂、邻溴甲苯为起始原料、以有机碱三乙胺作为中和剂,通过优化反应条件,高收率地合成了含N、S配位原子的配体前驱体。在此基础上,高效地合成了含N配位原子的有机锑氯化物(C6H11N(C6H4CH2)2SbCl 3a、C6H5N(C6H4CH2)2SbCl 3b和C4H9N(C6H4CH2)2SbCl 3c)。单晶http://www.999magnet.com/products/131-magnetic-lifter结构分析表明,氮原子上连接的有机基团对配合物的Sb-N键长有一定的影响,三个化合物的配位键长为3a<3b≈3c,环己基的给电子能力大于叔丁基和苯基,说明含氮基团的给电子能力越强,Sb-N键长越短。





Multi-objective Optimization and Intelligent Fuzzy Control of Structural Vibration Control

Multi-objective Optimization and Intelligent Fuzzy Control of Structural Vibration Control
  Being a kind of active and effective countermeasure against undesirable excitations such as seismic or strong wind, structural vibration control technology is one of the hotspots in the research field of civil engineering. Considering some existing problems in theoretical study and practical application of structural control system, the work in this study mainly consists of three parts: the first part deals with multi-objective optimization of control system based on linear matrix inequality (LMI) technique and evolutionary algorithm, including optimization design of controller and integrated optimization design of controllers and actuators; the second part focuses on the intelligent vibration control strategies for nonlinear structure, in which adaptive fuzzy logic control and intelligent fault tolerant control (FTC) are proposed; finally, based on application of vibration control system for important engineering structure, numerical analysis and experimental study are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of those methodologies.The main contents of this dissertation are listed as follows:1. To Strong magnets improving the traditional design method of controller, in which the parameters of controller are determined by repeated calculation, multi-objective variance control is investigated for structural vibration control based on the LMI optimization technique and variance control theory.
  The stationary filtered white noise-controlled structure-controller is simulated using extended state space model, in which the influence of external exciting is taken into account. The general expression of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) are deduced to satisfy the closed-loop poles and the steady variance responses of structure and control force with certain constraints assigned in advance. LMI Toolbox of MATALB is employed for solving those LMIs to get the state feedback and output feedback controller. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.2. Based on the LMI optimization technique and robust control theory, the robust H2/H∞control strategy is investigated to cope with the uncertainty of dynamic characteristic of the structure, in which the uncertainty is taken into account in advance. In the process of controller design, uncertain parameters of structure are introduced into perturbation matrix, meanwhile, both the H disturbance suppression and the optimal H2 performances of the closed-loop control system are satisfied simultaneously for all allowable uncertainties. To solve the proposed multi-objective optimization problem, LMIs are also deduced based on the LMI optimization technique. Simulation results show that the performance of the proposed controller is of strong robustness.
  3. Aimed at the disadvantage of http://www.chinamagnets.biz/ traditional optimization method, such that the placement and controller are optimized sequentially, single objective is considered, a new integrated design and multi-objective optimization method for active control system based on a pareto genetic algorithms and random vibration theory is proposed, in which both the controller and actuator allocation can be optimized simultaneously. Random seismic excitation is simulated by the stationary filtered white noise, and then the root-mean square (RMS) quantities of structural responses and active control forces are obtained by solving the Lyapunov equation in the state space. LQG algorithm is employed herein. Minimization of the maximal RMS displacement and acceleration which are normalized by the uncontrolled counterparts, together with minimizing the sum of RMS control force of actuators, have been used as the three objective functions for multi-objective optimization. The effects of structural parameters and excitation characteristic are considered in the multi-objective optimization procedure, and number-based zoning control method is also proposed for determining the number of actuators. Numerical simulation results show that the proposed integrated design and optimization method is simple, efficient and practical, and of good universality.4. Based on adaptive control theory and intelligent fuzzy control, variable universe adaptive fuzzy control (VUAFLC) algorithm is put forward to improve the performance of traditional FLC, and the adaptive law of output universes is developed based on Lyapunov function method. Benchmark structural control problem for a seismically excited highway bridge is used as a numerical example to demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed method. Furthermore, VUAFLC is integrated with clipped-optimal control algorithm for semi-active control system with MR damper. Results show that MR damper can achieve almost the same control performance as active control system, which promises a good prospect of popularization and application of semi-active MR dampers.
  5. An intelligent fault tolerant control (FTC) strategy is investigated for MR semi-active control system with sensor failure. Performance and effectiveness of the control system are protected in case of sensor failure. Based on the adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS), sensor failure can be on-line detected and switching control strategy of determining the commanded voltage for MR dampers is proposed. When sensor is healthy, voltage determined by FLC will be applied to the corresponding MR damper. On the other hand, if sensor has failed and will be detected using ANFIS, switch is activated and passive-on voltage will be applied to MR damper. Numerical simulations are carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, and some useful conclusions are also obtained.6. On the background of application of HMD control system for important engineering structure, HMD control system model base on permanent magnet synchronous linear motor (PMSLM) for http://www.chinamagnets.biz/ experimental study is designed and manufactured to verify the effectiveness of the control system and the proposed control strategies mentioned above, while the uncertainty of mass of TMD is taken into account to demonstrate the robustness of the proposed control strategies. Based on lots of test for AMD and shaking table test, the reasonable theoretical model have been established and some control strategies have been designed, including LQG, robust H2/H∞, FLC, VUAFLC and ANFIS control. Finally, experimental verification studies are conducted to test the performance of the proposed HMD control system and control strategies, and comparative analysis of control strategies is also discussed, which provides a foundation for engineering application of HMD control system.


Research on Dynamic Equivalent Modeling of Wind Farms

Research on Dynamic Equivalent Modeling of Wind Farms
  With the increasing of the capacity and number of large-scale wind farms integration, the fluctuations and intermittent of wind power output will challenge power system security and stability greatly. Theory and method for dynamic equivalent modeling of wind farms has become an urgent basic and applied research project. Firstly, this paper proposes the method for the wind generation system modeling based on operating data, and then for three common wind generation systems, the dynamic equivalent modeling wind farms under wind speed fluctuations and faults are studied respectively. The main contributions of this paper are as follows:(1) A method for the wind generation system modeling is presented based on operating data. According to measured operating data and statistical methods, the measured power curve of wind turbine is obtained and used to set up the mapping relationship Strong magnets between tip-speed ratio and wind power coefficient. Through using look-up table to establish wind turbine model, the wind generation system is obtained. Compared with the measured data, the simulation results show that the model based on proposed method has higher accuracy and engineering value.(2) Based on the analysis of impacts of wake effect and time delay on output characteristics of wind farm and applicability of wind farm common equivalent methods under wind speed fluctuations, a single machine representation method using variable parameters of capacitance compensation is presented for two kinds of reactive power compensation at its terminals, to avoid the reactive power errors from common equivalent modeling methods. This method is suitable for the dynamic equivalent modeling of wind farm containing fixed-speed wind turbines under wind speed fluctuations.
  The simulation results show that the equivalent method can effectively reduce reactive power error of the equivalent model.(3) Based on the applicability of wind farm common equivalent methods under faults, a multi-machine representation method for dynamic equivalent model of wind farms with fixed-speed wind turbines is presented. Using the wind turbine similar operating point as the grouping rule of wind turbines, the proposed method defines the new cluster classification index. Then the wind turbines are dynamically grouped by clustering algorithm, and the parameters calculating methods, wind farm collector system simplification and simulation modeling process of equivalent model are provided. Compared with the traditional methods, the simulation results show that the multi-machine representation method is effective.(4) A dynamic equivalent modeling of wind farms with doubly-fed induction generator wind turbines under faults is proposed. This method uses the doubly fed induction generator pitch control action as the grouping rule of wind turbines. By extracting eigenvectors that reflect pitch control action, they are used as input of support vector machine (SVM). Then the wind turbines are http://www.chinamagnets.biz/ dynamically grouped. Thus a wind farm model represented by three equivalent wind turbines is obtained. At the same time, the parameters calculating methods of equivalent model are provided. The simulation results show that the proposed three-machine equivalent model can more accurately describe the dynamic characteristics of the wind farm at the grid integration point.(5) According to the fault isolation of double pulse width modulation (PWM) converters for directly driven wind turbine with permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG), when the low voltage Ride-through (LVRT) control is neglected, or when the over-dimensioned capacitor is taken as the LVRT control, the wind farm with PMSG can be equivalent into a wind turbine generator, and the parameters calculating methods of http://www.chinamagnets.biz/ equivalent model are provided. The simulation results show that this method is suitable for the dynamic equivalent modeling of wind farm containing directly driven wind turbine with PMSG under wind speed fluctuations and faults.


Multi-Objective Optimization and Intelligent Fuzzy Control of Structural Vibration Control

Multi-Objective Optimization and Intelligent Fuzzy Control of Structural Vibration Control
  Being a kind of active and effective countermeasure against undesirable excitations such as seismic or strong wind, structural vibration control technology is one of the hotspots in the research field of civil engineering. Considering some existing problems in theoretical study and practical application of structural control system, the work in this study mainly consists of three parts: the first part deals with multi-objective optimization of control system based on linear matrix inequality (LMI) technique and evolutionary algorithm, including optimization design of controller and integrated optimization design of controllers and actuators; the second part focuses on the intelligent vibration control strategies for nonlinear structure, in which adaptive fuzzy logic control and intelligent fault tolerant rare earth magnets control (FTC) are proposed; finally, based on application of vibration control system for important engineering structure, numerical analysis and experimental study are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of those methodologies.
  The main contents of this dissertation are listed as follows:1. To improving the traditional design method of controller, in which the parameters of controller are determined by repeated calculation, multi-objective variance control is investigated for structural vibration control based on the LMI optimization technique and variance control theory. The stationary filtered white noise-controlled structure-controller is simulated using extended state space model, in which the influence of external exciting is taken into account. The general expression of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) are deduced to satisfy the closed-loop poles and the steady variance responses of structure and control force with certain constraints assigned in advance. LMI Toolbox of MATALB is employed for solving those LMIs to get the state feedback and output feedback controller. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.2. Based on the LMI optimization technique and robust control theory, the robust H2/H∞control strategy is investigated to cope with the uncertainty of dynamic characteristic of the structure, in which the uncertainty is taken into account in advance. In the process of controller design, uncertain parameters of structure are introduced into perturbation matrix, meanwhile, both the H disturbance suppression and the optimal H2 performances of the closed-loop control system are satisfied simultaneously for all allowable uncertainties. To solve the proposed multi-objective optimization problem, LMIs are also http://www.chinamagnets.biz/ deduced based on the LMI optimization technique. Simulation results show that the performance of the proposed controller is of strong robustness.
  3. Aimed at the disadvantage of traditional optimization method, such that the placement and controller are optimized sequentially, single objective is considered, a new integrated design and multi-objective optimization method for active control system based on a pareto genetic algorithms and random vibration theory is proposed, in which both the controller and actuator allocation can be optimized simultaneously. Random seismic excitation is simulated by the stationary filtered white noise, and then the root-mean square (RMS) quantities of structural responses and active control forces are obtained by solving the Lyapunov equation in the state space. LQG algorithm is employed herein. Minimization of the maximal RMS displacement and acceleration which are normalized by the uncontrolled counterparts, together with minimizing the sum of RMS control force of actuators, have been used as the three objective functions for multi-objective optimization. The effects of structural parameters and excitation characteristic are considered in the multi-objective optimization procedure, and number-based zoning control method is also proposed for determining the number of actuators. Numerical simulation results show that the proposed integrated design and optimization method is simple, efficient and practical, and of good universality.4. Based on adaptive control theory and intelligent fuzzy control, variable universe adaptive fuzzy control (VUAFLC) algorithm is put forward to improve the performance of traditional FLC, and the adaptive law of output universes is developed based on Lyapunov function method. Benchmark structural control problem for a seismically excited highway bridge is used as a numerical example to demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed method. Furthermore, VUAFLC is integrated with clipped-optimal control algorithm for semi-active control system with MR damper. Results http://www.chinamagnets.biz/ show that MR damper can achieve almost the same control performance as active control system, which promises a good prospect of popularization and application of semi-active MR dampers.
  5. An intelligent fault tolerant control (FTC) strategy is investigated for MR semi-active control system with sensor failure. Performance and effectiveness of the control system are protected in case of sensor failure. Based on the adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS), sensor failure can be on-line detected and switching control strategy of determining the commanded voltage for MR dampers is proposed. When sensor is healthy, voltage determined by FLC will be applied to the corresponding MR damper. On the other hand, if sensor has failed and will be detected using ANFIS, switch is activated and passive-on voltage will be applied to MR damper. Numerical simulations are carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, and some useful conclusions are also obtained.6. On the background of application of HMD control system for important engineering structure, HMD control system model base on permanent magnet synchronous linear motor (PMSLM) for experimental study is designed and manufactured to verify the effectiveness of the control system and the proposed control strategies mentioned above, while the uncertainty of mass of TMD is taken into account to demonstrate the robustness of the proposed control strategies. Based on lots of test for AMD and shaking table test, the reasonable theoretical model have been established and some control strategies have been designed, including LQG, robust H2/H∞, FLC, VUAFLC and ANFIS control. Finally, experimental verification studies are conducted to test the performance of the proposed HMD control system and control strategies, and comparative analysis of control strategies is also discussed, which provides a foundation for engineering application of HMD control system.


Research on Uniform Cycle Control Ac Servo System

Research on Uniform Cycle Control Ac Servo System
  CNC equipment is a sort of typical electro-mechanical system, which is the core of equipment manufacturing industry. To realize the performance of high-speed and high-precision, the whole optimal design based on the mechanotronics is necessary, and it requires the cycle of NC instruction to be the same with the cycles of machine and current in the servo system. The thesis purposes on the uniform cycle control of machine-loop and current-loop to get the better performance for the AC servo system, and provides a uniform cycle servo system platform to achieve the integrate uniform cycle control in the CNC equipment.In order to validate the superiority of uniform cycle control, the math model of permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) in the d-q coordinates is built. Compared the control effects of the uniform cycle control structure with the ones of the different cycle control structure, the fluctuation of the uniform cycle control is extremely unconspicuous, and the curves of output Neodymium magnets are more ideal. The transfer functions of uniform cycle control system and different cycle control system are derived respectively in this thesis. The transfer function of uniform cycle control system is provided with the lowest relative degree and the best stability.
  According to the models of the control system, the simulation platform is designed. Based on the simulation platrom, the velocity control is simulated with the uniform cycle control and the different cycle control. For the problems of current sampling noise, low velocity resolution and burdensome calculation based on the uniform cycle control, the effective solutions are proposed, which include the control algorithm with the integrate int calculation and the integrate int observer of current-loop and machine-loop.For the sake of realizing the uniform cycle control, a mass of calculation is needed to be carried out. In this thesis, the regulation based on the integrate int computing is proposed. To obtain the high-speed and high-precision vector transformation algorithm and simplify the vector transformation formulation, the algorithm of table looking-up which can get high-precision sine and cosine amount rapidly is designed. For the problem that the busbar voltage cannot be utilized sufficiently in 3-phrases PWM control, the algorithm of voltage vector center point translation is put forward, and the validity and precision are verified. Basd on the transfer function of current-loop model and mechanical-loop http://www.chinamagnets.biz/Neodymium/Ball-Neodymium-Magnets.php model in the uniform cycle system, the flow chart of main program for servo control and uniform cycle control are designed. And the control software of system is develped. The hardwares which include control board, power board and power supply board are also designed and developed.To solve the problem of current sampling noise in uniform cycle control system, the recurrence formulas of the low-pass filter and the observer in current-loop are achieved, and the regulation of pole’s selecting is discussed. Also, the adjustor in current-loop is designed and the method of control parameters’selceting is discussed. The simulation models of current-loop and observer are established, and the observer poles’selection and control parameter’s range are acquired from the current control simulation, and the superiority of the observer is validitied. And then, the program models for current low-pass filter and current observer are built. Taking the current control experiment on the experimental platform, the results show that the observer can press the current sampling noise effectively and gain the higher current response frequency.In the uniform cycle servo system, the high machine-loop frequency brings the problem of low velocity resolution.
  The recurrence of low-pass digital velocity filter is derived, the convergence condition is proposed, and the pole’s selection is dicussed. Based on the current-loop simulation model, the machine-loop simulation model is built, and the simulations of machine-loop and observer are carried out. The simulation results show the validity of the mechanical observer. Also, the velocity filter and machine-loop observer program modules are built, and the velocity control experiment is achieved based on the experimental platform. The experimental results indicate that the system adopting observer in current-loop and machine-loop is of higher response and stability.For the high frequency current control in the high-speed motor, the thesis achieves the conclusion that the frequency of PWM is requied to be 6 times lower than the current frequency. The present position detecting device cannot achieve nice effect in the high-speed condition, and the requirement for the position device in high-speed motor control is proposed. The characteristics of the single pole magnet encoder in the thesis meet the demand of high-speed motor control. For the problem that the angle errors exist in voltage vector transformation, the advancing compensation principle is put foward. Also, the method of angle uploading in encoder induces the delay http://www.chinamagnets.biz/Neodymium/Ball-Neodymium-Magnets.php of angle feedback, and the delay calculation formula of angle feedback is derived. Then, the 4-poles PMSM (20,000 rpm) was designed, and the motor has achieved the highest speed of 22,000 rpm based on the uniform cycle servo control equipment.The successful application in the high-speed motor control indicates that the uniform cycle servo system in this thesis can achieve the high frequency current control and servo control in the condition of that the frequencies of PWM and current get their ultimate proportion. It bears out that the servo system is of the excellent control performance.


The Research on Key Technologies for Sensorless Control of Brushless DC Motors

The Research on Key Technologies for Sensorless Control of Brushless DC Motors
  Permanent magnet brushless DC motors (BLDCM) have been widely used due to their simple structure, high efficiency, ease of control, and low maintenance. When using three-phase six-step 120 degree commutation for tranditional BLDCM, position sensors are necessary to sense rotor position information for proper commutation. However, the drawbacks of rotor position sensors in the cost, volume and reliability limit the application of BLDCM. The research on sensorless BLDCM drives has important theoretical significance and practical value. In this thesis, a systematic and in-depth theoretical analysis, simulation and experimental study on several key technologies such as rotor position identification methods, PWM control strategies, motor start-up control algorithms, estimation Neodymium magnets error compensation, and torque ripple minimization schemes are performed for sensorless BLDCM drives.The method based on back electromotive force (EMF) of BLDCM is one of the major approaches for rotor position estimation because of the advantages of simple and reliable detection. Based on the analysis of traditional zero-crossing of back EMF detection methods requiring a virtual mid-point of motor windings, an improved phase back EMF sensing rotor position method is proposed.
  The unexcited phase back EMF signal is indirectly obtained from line voltage calculation instead of traditional hardware sensing method. This method is simple and reliable to implement without the need to sense or reconstruct the motor mid-point and depth filter circuits.A novel scheme of zero-crossing of line back EMF sensing rotor position is presented based on the analysis of back EMF waveforms of BLDCM. By qualitative waveform analysis and quantitative calculation, the conclusion that the zero-crossing of line back EMF is actual commutation point is detailedly proved. For arbitrary flat top width of the trapezoidal wave or sine wave, as long as three phase back EMFs are symmetrical, the proposed method is applied to the rotor position estimation. On this basis, in order to reduce dependence on motor parameters, a simplified rotor position emstimation method of line back EMF is also proposed. This method is only dependent on the stator resistance of motor parameters and has some theoretical and engineering application value because of unrequired phase delay by 30°or the last commutation information.Eight kinds of PWM strategies for BLDCM are analyzed and compared. Through the analysis to the diode freewheeling currents in the unexcited phase on non-commutation period, PWM strategies are obtained corresponding to above rotor position identification methods.How to control http://www.chinamagnets.biz/Neodymium/Ball-Neodymium-Magnets.php
 motor start-up is another difficult problem for sensorless BLDCM drives. Based on principle of stator core saturation, a new start-up control method is proposed. This method employs 12 voltage vectors injecting the stator sides, and the changes of the stator inductance are obtained by detecting the peak stator current of each phase.
  Therefore, the 30°range of rotor initial position is determined. And then the rotor position is accurately located in the next commutation position through the injection of particular voltage vector. On this basis, motor starting can be completed through the principle of raising voltage raising frequency. Once the zero-crossing of back EMF is detected, operating mode can be switched to sensorless control mode. Studies have shown that this method make the motor start reliably and is easy to implemente practically. The impact of the motor parameters variation, voltage and current sampling error, phase delay from filter circuits on rotor position identification error is detailedly analyzed.The method of fitting a linear function for open loop phase delay compensation based on a least square method is proposed, and a close loop rotor position error correction method is also presented according to the symmetry of back EMF waveforms. Simulation and experimental results show that above methods have practical value. Torque ripple is an inherent shortcoming of BLDCM drives. In sensorless control, torque ripple may be further increased due to rotor position identification errors. The impact of the phase back EMF flat top width, rotor position estimation error, non-commutation phase current distortion on torque ripple is detailedly analyzed. Afterward, a stator current predictive control method is proposed to http://www.chinamagnets.biz/Neodymium/Ball-Neodymium-Magnets.php
 suppress torque ripple of BLDCM.A system experimental test bed based on a dsPIC30F6010 DSP processor is established for proposed sensorless control schemes of BLDCM. Sensorless control experimental results are compared with test results of position sensor control under the same conditions. Experimental results reveal the effectiveness of the proposed schemes.



Research on A Radial-radial Flux Compound-structure Permanent-magnet Synchronous Machine Used for Hybrid Electric Vehicles

Research on A Radial-radial Flux Compound-structure Permanent-magnet Synchronous Machine Used for Hybrid Electric Vehicles
  The power-split hybrid drive system which employs the plenetary gear and two electric machines is the most advanced and successfuel electric drive system among hybrid systems at present. It provides the function of the high-performance electronic continuously variable transmission (E-CVT). Another power-split hybrid system which gets rid of the plenetary gear and integrates two electric machines (we call it compound-structure electric machine system in this thesis) could Magnet lifter  realize the same function as E-CVT and also gain the advantages of compact structure, low cost and flexible control stategies. It has become a new development direction in the field of hybrid systems.
  This thesis makes an intensive study of a radial-radial flux compound-structure permanent-magnet synchronous machine (CS-PMSM), which belongs to one kind of the compound-structure electric machines, and the main research work is as follows.First of all, the issue of magnetic coupling caused by special structure of the radial-radial flux CS-PMSM is investigated. The design principle to realize magnetic decoupling is proposed, and the design method to mimimum the yoke thichness of the outer rotor and to improve power desity as well as to ensure magnetic decoupling is further investigated. A 20kW prototype machines is designed based on the proposed method, and the degree of the magnetic-field interference is evaluated by finite-element-method (FEM) calculations, which validates the proposed design method. Based on the feasibility of the magnetic decoupling, the mathematical model according with the electromagnetic and electromechanical relations of the CS-PMSM and considering the effect of the cross-magnetization phenemenon is established, which lays the foundation of controlling the CS-PMSM accurately.Secondly, the performance of the CS-PMSM is calculated and validated with FEM, as well as the inductance parameter is accurately calculated and the magnetic-field characteristic is analyzed. The performance is calculated with the method of multi-slice two dimentional (2D) FEM, which makes use of 2D FEM calculations to avoid problems of the harsh requirement for computer hardware, time consuming, limited calculation accuracy caused by three dimentional (3D) FEM calculations.
  The results show good working performance of the CS-PMSM. Furthermore, the method and step to calculate the d- and q-axis self and mutual inductances which could consider the saturation and cross-magnetization phenomenon are presented. The inductance parameter of the stator machine (SM) and double-rotor machine (DRM) is calculated, http://www.999magnet.com/products/131-magnetic-lifter and the magnetic-field characteristic of the two machines is further investigated based on the calculated results, which provides a reference for accurate control.Thirdly, the 2D FEM thermal model is established and the temperature distribution is calculated, which show the hot spot of the CS-PMSM. The water and forced-air cooling are employed to cool the machine, and the effect of the two cooling method on different regions and their effectiveness are analyzed. Moreover, the discipline of the cooling-fluid parameter’s effect on the cooling effectiveness is investigated, which provides a theoretical reference for properly chosing the fluid parameter, reversely deducing the design index of the cooling system, optimizing the cooling-system design and improving the system effeciency.Lastly, a prototype machine of the radial-radial flux CS-PMSM was manufactured, and the experimental test and its functional validation was performed. The tested results validate the proposed design and calculation methods, and further optimization of the prototype machine was suggusted. Moreover, the features and operation modes of the CS-PMSM system used in hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) are analyzed, and the operation modes of the hybrid system were simulated and tested on the test bench. The tested results validate the fuctions of the CS-PMSM as the starter motor, generator, and continuously variable transmission used to adjust speed and torque, which provides an important reference for the practical application of the CS-PMSM system used in HEVs.


Research on the Nonlinear Dynamics of Metal Belt Transmission with Rare-earth Permanent Magnets

Research on the Nonlinear Dynamics of Metal Belt Transmission with Rare-earth Permanent Magnets
  Belt driving is a traditional mechanical transmission mode which is widely used in many fields. It has irreplaceable advantages because the distance and angle can be adjusted between the two shafts of belt driving, and the belt can be replaced by a variety of flexible materials. Belt driving research has never been stopped since it came into being. The early research mainly focused on its structures with different structures of flexible bodies and belt pulleys. With the development of science and wide application in computers, the scientific research has becoming much more accessible to the essence of things. As far as the belt driving is concerned, the object of the research has concentrated on mass and complicated non-linear in belt driving. With much function of belt driving having been improved with the research of the characteristics, a lot of new-style belt driving devices have been developed. Magnet lifter The metal belt driving with rare-earth permanent magnets is a new belt transmission whose permanent magnets are fixed between two transmission pulleys in particular arranged ways, so that the friction between metal band and belt pulley can be increased.
  Thus it can reach the enhancement of transmission power and transmission accuracy of belt driving.This paper mainly studies the issues of dynamics property of metal belt transmission with rare-earth permanent magnets. With the existence of magnetic force, the problem of the metal band vibration in transmission has been highlighted. As to the property change of metal belt transmission caused by introducing magnetic force, we analyze firstly in simple dynamics. Then assisted by rare-earth magnet, we acquire Euler equation through analyzing property of metal belt driving with flexible body friction transmission. We testified the effective improvement of drive power in metal belt with the assisting of the permanent magnet force, after analyzing the action of magnetic fields using the method of finite element analysis.In this paper, the effect of magnetic force by magnetic field is simplified into magnetic damping and external magnetic excitation. Considering the viscoelastic property and geometric non-linearity of metal band, we established three equations:nonlinear dynamical equation reflecting the transverse vibration http://www.999magnet.com/products/131-magnetic-lifter of the metal band in axial movement, differential equation describing the transverse nonlinear forced vibration and differential equation explaining the non-linear parametric vibration of the band. This paper analyzes the steady-state frequency-amplitude response of the non-linear forced vibration of the metal band under magnetic force in axial movement by using viscoelastic constitutive function, and the response of non-linear parametric resonant vibration. It also discusses the steady-state frequency-amplitude response under systematic resonant vibration, as well as the influence of non-linear coefficient, magnetic excitation amplitude and viscoelastic coefficient, and explores the steady property of response curves.
  The results of the paper include the following aspects:as the values of non-linear coefficient and viscoelastic coefficient increase, or as the amplitude of magnetic excitation decreases, the steady-state amplitude of the metal band will decrease, the influence of viscoelastic coefficient on high-order mode is bigger than its influence on low-order mode, it doesn’t hold that the higher the magnetic field intensity the better, because the increase in the amplitude of magnetic excitation results in a sharp increase in the vibration amplitude of the transmission system which leads to the lose of the stability of the transmission system, and the systematic stability can be enhanced by raising the speed of the transmission system; a proper increase in magnetic damping can also improve the systematic http://www.999magnet.com/products/131-magnetic-lifter stability.This paper analyzes the vibration performance of metal belt through finite element analysis method. The vibration power of metal belt increases as the excitation magnitude of the external world, and then the stress of metal belt is also increased. But the vibration of metal belt will down with the higher speed of running. The entire conclusions are testified by the experiments.Introducing magnetic force will exert great influence on belt driving system in metal belt transmission institute. Utilizing rare-earth magnet in metal belt transmission strengthens the traction of belt driving system by means of theoretical research, numerical simulation, and experimental studies. As a result, transmission power will be greatly increased compared with the previous equipment. However, the introduction of magnetic force also increases the vibration of the metal belt and decreases the stability of the metal belt transmission. All these problems mentioned above can be resolved through the scientific selection of the metal belt and the pulley material, the range of operating speed, the design and earth magnet structure and the arrangement of them on the pulley belt.This paper lays a solid foundation for the further research on the metal belt driving with magnets and provides an approach for the development of new transmission system.


Strategies of Out-of-Step Fault Symptom Acquisition and Prevention Control for Permanent Magnet Linear Motor

Strategies of Out-of-Step Fault Symptom Acquisition and Prevention Control for Permanent Magnet Linear Motor
  Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor with multi-segment primary (PMLSM)driven lifting system is oriented, the parameter variation law before the vertical-moving PMLSM begins to be out-of-step, strategies of out-of-step fault symptom acquisition and Magnet lifter prevention control are researched. Based on the analysis of the basic structure and working principle of PMLSM multi-segment primary, the relationship equation between power angle and mover position angle is derived, the mover position angle measurement strategy of the salient pole PMLSM is proposed based on high frequency injection method, an analytic equation among high-frequency current-armature inductance-mover position angle is established, and the measurment method of the electrical parameters is established, the mover position angle measurement strategy and its mathematical formula of http://www.999magnet.com/products/131-magnetic-lifter non-salient pole PMLSM are proposed based on the additional high-frequency windings of mover, out-of-step prevention dual-mode fuzzy control algorithm of PMLSM with multi-segment primary is present, out-of-step protection strategy of PMLSM with multi-segment primary is proposed,the mathematical model of dynamic braking is established, and the dynamic braking characteristics are obtained.


Study on the Direct Thrust Force Control Strategy of Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor

Study on the Direct Thrust Force Control Strategy of Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor
  This paper focuses on the application of direct thrust force control strategy to PMLSM. A nonlinear, asymmetric, variable- element state-space model of PMLSM is Magnet lifter built through the combination of field and path methods. The end component is calculated through finite element method, the result of which is done least square approximation to get the analysis model of the end component. Through theoretical analysis and system stimulation, the feasibility of direct thrust force control strategy is verified.
  The effect the change of the primary resistance has on the flux linkage observation accuracy is deeply analyzed and a dynamic flux linkage compensator is designed, whose working principles are also reasoned mathematically. The stimulation result shows http://www.999magnet.com/products/131-magnetic-lifter that the compensator has strong robustness and improves the actual observation accuracy of flux linkage and weakens the fluctuation of thrust force and speed. A controller, with the digital signal processor as the core, is developed. An experimental testing system with high degree of accuracy is built to a direct thrust force control experiment platform of PMLSM, through which a large quantity of experiment data and excellent control effect are achieved.


Study on Power Smoothing Control Strategy and Control System Design of Direct-driven Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator for Wind Turbine

Study on Power Smoothing Control Strategy and Control System Design of Direct-driven Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator for Wind Turbine
  With the deteriorating environment and the growing energy crisis around the world,the full development and utilization of renewable energy has become the consensus of the world countries. As one of the most common renewable clean energy sources,wind energy has been made widely attention, and wind power technologies have made a rapid development in the past two decades.In all kinds of wind power generation systems, a wind energy generation system(WEGS) with direct-driven permanent magnet synchronous generators (DDPMSG) has been widely applied due to Magnet lifter its simple drive train system, high operational reliability, and high power generation efficiency and so on. To improve its performance, some appropriate control strategies have to be used. As for the WEGS with DDPMSG using the dual PWM AC/DC/AC voltage source converter, both the machine-side converter and the grid-side converter have to be controlled.The purposes of controlling the machine-side converter is to control the active power of wind turbines and wind energy availability, at the same time, the torque ripple can be also limited. In addition, the purposes of controlling grid-side converter is to control the active and reactive power delivered to the grid.Due to the uncertainty, uncontrollablety and stochasticly of wind energy, the output electric power of a WEGS has usually large fluctuation.
  If the grid-connected system is unrestricted, the power fluctuation not only will affect the economics of the grid operation, but also may even threaten the safe operation of the whole electrical power. Especially,with the increaseing total installed capacity of wind turbine systems, this problem may become more and more obvious. Therefore, it is an urgent task to improve the output power quality of grid-connected WEGS by introducting advanced control strategies .In this thesis , the control strategies of damping the active power output fluctuations of a WEGS with DDPMSG are deeply researched. Firstly, as for the base of simulation and analysis, the mathematical models in the components of the WEGS with DDPMSG are established, respectively. The vector control mathematical model of the machine-side converter is also established by the coordinate transformation. Based on the analysis on the mathematical model of the grid-side converter, a voltage orienting vector http://www.999magnet.com/products/131-magnetic-lifter control model of grid-side converter is proposed. Taking into account the highly nonlinear of the wind turbine due to the effect of aerodynamic performance and the great inertia of the blade, it is difficult to obtain good performance by using the conventional PID pitch control strategy.
  Thus, a fuzzy variable pitch controller is designed, and the simulation results have shown that the fuzzy variable pitch control has better performance by comparing with the traditionall PID pitch control. In addition, considering the WEGS is the strongly coupled, nonlinear, parameter variable system, a sliding mode control is introduced in the power control loop. The simulation results have shown that the sliding mode control system not only has better dynamic performance, but also eliminate the effects on the machine parameters variations and external disturbances, and has good robustness. Also, the main shortcoming of the WEGS with the conventional power control strategy is analyzed, and a new control strategy which do not require auxiliary equipment is proposed. That is , within the effective range of the wind speed, the fuzzy control is used to regulate the operation speed of the wind turbine , and torque dynamical sliding mode control is used to regulate the active power, the simulation results have shown that the control strategy can effectively control the output active power fluctuations due to the wind speed fluctuations and so on. At the same time, a flywheel energy storage system in the http://www.999magnet.com/products/131-magnetic-lifter DC-link is studied without changing the control strategies on the grid-side and the machine-side converter. The smooth control of the output active power is achieved based on the energy control strategy of the flywheel energy storage system; Finally, an experimental platform applied to WEGS with DDPMSG is set up by using the high-speed digital signal processor(DSP) and integrated intelligent power modules (IPM). A series of experiments have been performed in this platform, such as the independent control of active power, the independent regulation of the reactive power, variable-speed constant-frequency operation, the largest wind power tracking control and so on. And the experimental results verify the correctness of the foregoing analysis.From the viewpoint of electrical power, this thesis seeks to improve the control strategy of a WEGS with DDPMSG. The related work maybe provide a theory basis for the engineering design and lay the foundation for the practical application.


Optimal IPM Machine Design and Flux-weakening Control

Optimal IPM Machine Design and Flux-weakening Control
  Interior permanent magnet (IPM) motor are capable of high power density,high efficiency and extremely wide constant power operating range, with these characteristics it has been widely used in traction applications ,military industry and aerospace.Focusing on the defaults & researching emphasizes on IPM motor and its flux-weakening(FW) control, this paper has proposed transient Finite Element Analysis (FEA)model accounting for magnetic cross-saturation.The parameter of the motor, the rotor structure of PM、FW control algorithm are analized respectively.(1) The Magnet lifter transient finite element analysis (FEA) model for IPM machines based on flux linkage accounting for magnetic saturation and voltage & current limits is proposed.
  The model can predict power & torque-speed FW performance accurately.(2) According to the performance requirements of the traction motor, 55kW motor with V-type permanent magnet structure and 7.5kW motor with 1-type permanent magnet section are designed and optimized, and the inductance parameters are calculated, and its FW performance is analyzed. W-type IPM machine with a wide speed range is presented. FEA results indicate that in the unit output torque the amount of permanent magnet, cogging and torque ripple are less. The FW operating range is wider, constant power speed range is larger than other several topological structure.(3) The impact of magnetic saturation effects in IPM motor on torque capability is analyzed in control system. The motor model with accounting for magnetic saturation is established by MATLAB. The system simulation http://www.999magnet.com/products/131-magnetic-lifter with saturation compensation and decoupling control for IPM motor is completed. The results indicate that it widen effectively constant power speed range.(4) A 7.5kW IPM motor prototype was built and the measurement method is studied. Then the parameter and performance are tested and the result show that the design meets performance requirements.


Research on Economical-Type Fault Current Limiting Topology and Applied Technology

Research on Economical-Type Fault Current Limiting Topology and Applied Technology
  With rapid increase of the power loads as well as continuous incorporation of the new-built large capacity generators, the short circuit current level of HV power systems is getting more and more critical. As a result, the operational safety, reliability and stability of the power systems are unprecedentedly threatened. To account for this arduous issue, some traditional measures to limit fault current have been utilized, such as system reconfiguration, operating mode modification and so on. Though these solutions definitely suppress the fault current level to a certain extent, they also render negative impacts on the flexibility, economy and reliability of the power systems. Hence, investigation Neodymium Magnets on developing new types of fault current limiters with preferable performance both technically and economically is an indispensible and irresistible trend for the time being, which is extremely significant and invaluable for development of nowadays power grids in China.Based on conventional electrical devices and components, some novel fault current limiting technologies without superconductors or power electronic equipments were systematically investigated in this dissertation. The principal research work focused on the key fundamentals with a view to facilitating their applications in the high voltage power systems. The research contents cover several aspects as follows:a)Optimization of the economic-type fault current limiting topology based on ZnO Arresters and a Discharge Gap, as well as development of a digital on-line monitoring & comprehensive protection scheme; b)Exploratory research on an economic-type fault current limiter based on permanent-magnet-biased saturation, including material selection, operating principle analysis, equivalent modeling and topological optimization; c)Comprehensive analysis on the impact and interaction of the economic-type fault current limiters with the high voltage power systems, such as transient stability, interrupting characteristics of circuit breakers, single-phase autoreclosure and so on. Taken into account of the advantages of different series resonant FCLs, a new fault current limiter http://www.everbeenmagnet.com/en/products/110-sintered-neodymium-magnets topology based on ZnO Arresters and a Parallel Discharge Gap was proposed, and its fault current limiting characteristics was verified by laboratory experiments. Furthermore, a detailed design scheme for 110kV FCLs was presented and thereby a digital on-line monitoring, diagnosis, protection, triggering and control scheme was established accordingly.
  The research results provide fundamental theory and technological reference for development of the ZnO Arrester-based FCLs targeted for extra-high voltage transmission lines.The economic-type fault current limiting technology based on permanent magnet biased saturation, noted as PMFCL, was explored in this dissertation to provide governing principles. With respects to normal and fault modes, the cooperation criterion for operating points of the permanent magnets and the magnetic cores was investigated. After comprehensive analysis in terms of magnetic characteristics, mechanical performance and economic property of different kinds of magnetic materials, a material selection guideline for magnetic cores and permanent magnets was proposed. Further, the equivalent magnetic circuit models were established based on the static and dynamic magnetic field-circuit characteristics of different PMFCL topologies. Some rationale experiments were carried out as to find effective ways to improve the permanent magnet biased performance and fault current limiting characteristics of the PMFCLs, which also presents the foundation to develop high voltage and large capacity PMFCLs.Power-angle transient oscillation or instability of the power grids caused by short-circuit fault will threaten the system safety. When a fault occurs, the FCLs will function to limit the fault current and also influence the system’s transient process, which needs further investigation and verification. With respect to a typical one-machine infinite-bus installed with economic-type FCLs, the transient physical process was analyzed in details by using the Equal Area Criterion. The theory analyses were verified by MATLAB simulations for both one-machine and multiple-machine systems. Both theoretical analysis and simulation results show that, the installation of economic-type FCLs can effectively suppress the oscillatory amplitudes of swing curves, reduce the decaying period, extend the critical clearing time and hence improve the transient stability of the power systems.Installation of FCLs in the power systems can effectively suppress the short-circuit current level and thus reduce the breaking capacity requirement from HV circuit breakers, however, it may also result in more severe breaking conditions for circuit breakers. With regards to FCL terminal fault and short-line fault in power transmission lines installed with economic-type FCLs, mathematical formulas were presented, based on theoretical analysis and deduction, as to properly describe the relationship between the rate of rise of recovery voltage (RRRV) of circuit breakers and the current limit factor, the stray capacitance as well as http://www.everbeenmagnet.com/en/products/110-sintered-neodymium-magnets the short-line fault distance. According to these formulas, detailed computations were carried out to fully account for the concrete impacts on the RRRV from every principal parameter, and were correlated with the conclusions drawn by simulations in previous publications available, which accordingly well verified the proposed analyzing methodology.
  The research results present analytical basis and theoretical reference for parameter optimization of the inductive FCLs and also for reliable selection of the breaking characteristics of HV circuit breakers.Especially for the out-phase-faults, the impact of FCLs on the interruption of out-phase-fault current was analyzed and the methods for computing the critical length of the transmission lines were presented. The conception of interrupting severity of circuit breakers was proposed and the influence of the current limit factor and the stray capacitance on the interrupting severity of circuit breakers was investigated in details. The above research results show that, the design of current limit factor should avoid around 0.5 so as to reduce the interrupting severity of circuit breakers, and it is better to effectively increase the stray capacitance of the FCLs by optimizing the structure design. For the extra-high voltage transmission lines operational with ZnO arrester-based FCLs, the capacitor of the FCLs may contribute to the low frequency current components of the secondary current with big amplitude and slow attenuation. With regard to a 500 kV long-distance transmission line installed with ZnO arresterbased FCLs, the influence of both the FCL bypass switch operation and the different arc resistances on the characteristics of the secondary arc current was analyzed by EMTP (electromagnetic transients program) simulations. The decay factor and the oscillation frequency of the secondary arc current were computed based on the equivalent impedance network and Laplace transformation, with a view to elucidating the physical nature of the low frequency oscillation of the secondary arc current. A time-sequence coordination scheme between the single-phase autoreclosure (SPAR) and the FCL operation was proposed and verified by concrete simulations. The results indicate that, the proposed scheme can effectively eliminate the side impact caused by the low frequency current components on the SPAR, and can guarantee the normal operational sequence of a SPAR as well as the self-restoration of a FCL.The research achievements in the dissertation have further developed the fundamental theory and analyzing methodologies of the fault current limiting technology, and present great significance for both the scientific research and engineering application of the high voltage and large capacity economic-type fault current limiters.



Study on Preparation and Luminescent Properties of Dy~(3+) Doped Phosphates Phosphors under VUV Excitation

Study on Preparation and Luminescent Properties of Dy~(3+) Doped Phosphates Phosphors under VUV Excitation
  Phosphates are considered as good host materials for the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) phosphors due to good chemical stable, low synthesizing temperature, simple preparing conditions and high quantum efficency. In this paper, we investigated the luminescent properties of phosphates activated by Dy3+, which is significative both on the scientific research and in practice.Firstly, we have synthesized Orthophosphates by a mild hydrothermal method and investigated their photoluminescence (PL) spectra under VUV excitation. Secondly,_we also investigated the photoluminescent properties of Dy3+ doped other phosphate phosphors (KCaYPO4, CaLaP3O10 and Ln(PO3)3 (Ln=La, Gd, Y)) to evaluate them to be or not for VUV phosphors.
  The main conclusions are following:1. we have prepared LnPO4 (Ln=Gd, La, Y) using a mild hydrothermal method and investigated their luminescent Strong magnets properties under VUV excitation. The results indicate that Rare earth orthophosphates LnPO4(Ln=Gd, La, Y)show not only high efficiency of VUV absorption but also high efficiency of energy transfer from the host to the luminescent centers, such as Dy3+ ions. So LnPO4 (Ln= Gd, La, Y):Dy3+ phosphors exhibit high luminescence efficiency, especially the luminescent intensity of Gd0.92PO4:0.08Tb3+ phosphor. Moreover, we have calculated the electronic structure of LaPO4 and YPO4 and analyzed their energy band structre and density of states.2. we have prepared KCaYPO4:Dy3+using solid state reaction and investigated their luminescent properties under VUV excitation. It can be found that the KCaPO43+ groups of KCaYPO4:Dy3+ can absord the energy around 162 nm,185 nm and 195 nm. For Dy3+ doped KCaYPO4, the KCaPO43+ groups can absorb the excited energy in the VUV region.3. we have prepared CaLaP3O10:Dy3+ using solid state reaction and investigated their luminescent properties under VUV excitation. It can be found that the CaP3O103+ groups of CaLaP3O10:Dy3+ can absord the energy around 120 nm,130 nm and 171 nm. For Dy3+ doped CaLaP3O10, the CaP3O103+ groups can absorb the http://www.chinamagnets.biz/ excited energy in the VUV region. 4. we have prepared Ln(PO3)3:Dy3+(Ln= La, Gd, Y) using solid state reaction and investigated their luminescent properties under VUV excitation. It can be found that the (PO3)33+ groups of Ln(PO3)3:Dy3+(Ln= La, Gd, Y) can absord the energy around 158 nm, 182 nm and 199 nm. For Dy3+ doped Ln(PO3)3 (Ln= La, Gd, Y), the (PO3)33+ groups can absorb the excited energy in the VUV region.


Liquid Phase Hydrogenation of Benzene to Cyclohexene over Ru-based Catalysts

Liquid Phase Hydrogenation of Benzene to Cyclohexene over Ru-based Catalysts
  Cyclohexene, which has a highly active double bond, is widely used as an intermediate for producing medicine, pesticide, agrochemical, feed additive, polyester fine chemicals etc, especially for the synthesis of polyamide fibre through its intermediates, cyclohexanone and hexanedioic acid. Cyclohexene can be made by several methods such as dehydration of cyclohexanol, hydrodehalogenation of halogenated cyclohexane, or dehydrogenation of cyclohexane. These processes for producing cyclohexene have disvantages of complicated multiple steps, low yield, and high production cost. A route via partial hydrogenation of benzene to cyclohexene possesses the low price of feedstock, the simplicity of the process, along with the atomically economical character of the reaction. The Asahi Strong magnets Chemical Industry of Japan has commissioned the first plant in the world for manufacturing cyclohexene from the partial hydrogenation of benzene route since Oct. 1988. In China, Shenma Group Company introduced this technology in 1996, but had to pay high costs for the patent and catalyst. Thus, the development of efficient catalyst system is of great significance academically and industrially.However, the hydrogenation of benzene to cyclohexane is thermodynamically much more favorable. Notwithstanding this difficulty, a search for the appropriate catalyst, additives and reaction conditions is on for maximizing the yield of cyclohexene. Based on numerous works, it has been acknowledged that ruthenium is the most suitable catalyst, and the liquid phase reaction is the most promising for industrialization.
  Therefore, we prepared a series of novel Ru catalysts and tested their catalytic performance in the liquid phase hydrogenation of benzene to cyclohexene.In order to promote the Ru active center, by using SBA-15 as support, we prepared the catalyst by the "two solvents method", and modified the catalyst by La or Ce; the yield of cyclohexene could be improved greatly. As to the reaction modifier, it is generally needed to add ZnSO4 to lower the catalytic activity and improve the selectivity to cyclohexene. For the first time we reported the synergistic effect of ZnSO4 and CdSO4 modifiers, which can efficiently improve the selectivity to cyclohexene. As to the catalyst support, in order to improve the yield of cyclohexene, we choose the support with a hydrophilic character. We prepared the MgAl2O4 spinel material by a hydrothermal method, after being impregrated with Ru, the stability of the catalyst was improved greatly. ZrO2, which has abundant surface defects, weak acid site, weak base site and re-dox character, is an excellent catalyst support and dispersant in the partial hydrogenation of benzene. On one hand, by using commercial ZrO2 as support, we studied the bimetallic effect (RuPdB/ZrO2, RuPtB/ZrO2) on the partial hydrogenation of benzene. On the other hand, considering the low surface area of commercial ZrO2, and different methods available to prepare ZrO2 with different crystal structure, surface area and surface acid-base character, we synthesized two kinds of ZrO2 materials (monoclinic and tetragonal) as supports for RuB catalysts, and studied the effect of crystal structure and surface acid-base character of the support on the liquid phase hydrogenation of benzene. The main results are summaried as follows:Since the http://www.chinamagnets.biz/ discovery of M41S mesoporous materials by Mobil’s Company in 1992, mesoporous materials show wide applications in catalytic hydrogenation, oxidation fields due to its high surface area, narrow pore size distribution and uniform pore structure. But there are few reports about the preparation of Ru catalysts by using mesoporous silica as support for the liquid phase hydrogenation of benzene. Meanwhile, for the Ru catalyst, it is generally needed to add promoter to lower its catalytic activity and improve the selectivity to cyclohexene. China has abundant rare earth resources, which show excellent promoting effect in the catalytic hydrogenation reaction. So, we first studied the effect of La or Ce promoter on the Ru/SBA-15 catalyst in the liquid phase hydrogenation of benzene to cyclohexene. Combing with the XRD, TEM, TPR, XPS characterizations and reaction results, the following conclusions could be drawn:1)
  The RuCe/SBA-15 and RuLa/SBA-15 catalysts prepared by the "two solvents method" showed much higher selectivity to cyclohexene compared with un-modified Ru/SBA-15 catalyst, with La promoter showing the best result. The maximum yield of cyclohexene could reach 57.4% at 413 K of reaction temperature,4.0 MPa of hydrogen pressure,0.42 M of ZnSO4 and 1.56×10-3 M of CdSO4.2) The modification of Ce or La promoter reduced the surface Ru active sites; improved the electron density of Ru and the hydrophilicity of the catalyst, all favorable for the formation of cyclohexene.3) The effect of reaction temperature and hydrogen pressure was studied over the RuLa/SBA-15-0.8 catalyst. The reaction temperature influences the desorption of cyclohexene from the catalyst surface and the solubility of cyclohexene in the water thin film, while the effect of hydrogen pressure was due to the competitive adsorption of hydrogen and benzene molecule on the catalyst surface.In order to improve the yield of cyclohexene, the addition of a modifier to the reaction system is indispensable during the liquid phase hydrogenation of benzene. Generally, there are two kinds of reaction modifiers:organic modifier and inorganic modifier. ZnSO4 has been regarded as the most efficient modifier and all published documents (patents) have focused on the promoting effect of a single modifier. There are no reports about the synergistic effect of two modifiers. In the present work over the RuLa/SBA-15-0.8 catalyst, we found that by controlling the concentration of CdSO4, a much better yield of cyclohexene could be obtained, and a combination of CdSO4 and ZnSO4 performed much better than either of them alone. In order to elucidate the individual role of CdSO4 and ZnSO4 in the reaction, we fell to theoretical calculation to obtain the information about the interactions of Cd2+ and Zn2+ ions with benzene and cyclohexene. Based on experimental data and theoretical calculations, we concluded that CdSO4 acted as surface modification, suppressing more the adsorption of cyclohexene than that of benzene, while the function of ZnSO4 was mainly the stabilization of cyclohexene in the liquid phase, accelerating the desorption as well as hindering the re-adsorption of cyclohexene, thus improving the yield of cyclohexene.Although a high yield of cyclohexene could be obtained by using Ru/SBA-15-series catalysts, but due to the low hydrothermal stability of SBA-15 which results in its poor catalyst stability. Spinel is a kind of material with good chemical and thermal stability, which shows wide applications in ammonia synthesis, ethanol reforming and WGSR reactions etc. We prepared the MgAl2O4 material by a hydrothermal method and calcined at different temperatures to obtain better crystal structure of spinel.
  The catalyst prepared by using MgAl2O4 calcined at 1023 K as support showed the best result in the liquid phase hydrogenation of benzene, with the maximum yield of cyclohexene reaching 38.5% at 413 K of reaction temperature,4.0 MPa of H2 pressure,0.28 M of ZnSO4 and 0.39×10-3 M of CdSO4, much higher than the corresponding values on Ru/Al2O3 and Ru/MgO catalysts. Under the same reaction conditions, the maximum yield of cyclohexene http://www.chinamagnets.biz/ on the Ru/Al2O3 catalyst was higher than that on the Ru/MgO catalyst. The Ru/MgAl2O4-1023 catalyst could be re-used for 3 times without significant lowering the yield of cyclohexene. Compared with the Ru/SBA-15-series catalysts, the catalyst stability was improved greatly, but the maximum yield of cyclohexene was lower. The different yield of cyclohexene is due to the different hydrophilic character of the support. Support with a hydrophilic character is more favorbale for the formation of cyclohexene, and the acid-base character of the support also has great influence on the formation of cyclohexene.The maximum yield of cyclohexene over Ru/MgAl2O4-series catalysts is lower than the expected in industry, meanwhile, numerous literatures and patents have showed that ZrO2 is an excellent catalyst support and dispersant in the liquid phase hydrogenation of benzene. In order to obtain higher yield of cyclohexene, the promoter is needed to modify the Ru catalyst, including Zn, Fe, Co, Ni, and rare earth elements etc. There are few reports about the promoting effect of noble metal element in the liquid phase hydrogenation of benzene. By choosing a suitable noble metal element (Pd, Pt), it is possible to form alloy with Ru, while the formation of alloy (RuPd) had shown better promoting effect in the hydrogenation of dimethylbenzene, nitrobenzene aromatic hydrocarbons.Thus, in this chapter, we use commercial ZrO2 as support and modify the Ru catalyst by Pd or Pt element to study the bimetallic effect in the liquid phase hydrogenation of benzene. The experimental results showed that the introduction of Pd or Pt could improve the catalytic activity and the yield of cyclohexene greatly. The maximum yield of cyclohexene increased from 38.5%(RuB/ZrO2) to 43.8%(RuPdB/ZrO2-0.2) and 44.2% (RuPtB/ZrO2-0.15), while the reaction time for the maximum yield of cyclohexene was shortened from 80 min (RuB/ZrO2) to 60 min (RuPdB/ZrO2-0.2) and 45 min (RuPtB/ZrO2-0.15). The improvement of the catalytic performance was due to the improvement of the dispersing degree, the thermal stability of the catalyst and the formation of surface alloy. Due to the low surface area of commercial ZrO2 (<10 m2·g-1), which restricts its application.
  There are many methods available to prepare ZrO2, resulting in different surface area, crystal structure and surface acid-base character of ZrO2. Herein, we prepared two kinds of ZrO2 (monoclinic and tetragonal) as supports for the RuB catalysts to study the effect of crystal structure and surface acid-base character on the partial hydrogenation of benzene. Py-IR characterization showed that monoclinic ZrO2 (ZrO2-M) had both Lewis acid site and Br(?)nsted acid site while tetragonal ZrO2 (ZrO2-T) had only Lewis acid sites. Under the same reaction conditions, by calcining the ZrO2-T and ZrO2-M materials at 873 K as supports to prepare supported catalysts and test their catalytic performance in the liquid phase hydrogenation of benzene, the maximum yield of cyclohexene was 46.6% (RuB/ZrO2-T-873) and 37.8%(RuB/ZrO2-M-873). The catalysts prepared by using ZrO2-T as support were more favorable for the formation of cyclohexene. By combining the experimental results and literature reports, benzene adsorbed on the Br(?)nsted acid site is more favorable for the formation of cyclohexane with the spill-over hydrogen from the metal active site, resulting in lower yield of cyclohexene. For the first time, we reported the influence of different acid site of the ZrO2 support in the liquid phase hydrogenation of benzene. The RuB/ZrO2-T-series catalysts may have excellent application in industry.
